Championing Inclusivity in Innovation.

Dive deep into our DEI initiatives.

Why DEI matters

In a world brimming with talent, the stark underrepresentation of women in engineering and leadership positions is not just a corporate issue — it is a societal one.

With the gender gap widening and diverse talents undervalued, I will steps in to bridge this divide, ensuring that inclusivity is not an afterthought but a foundational principle of every organization.

Our DEI services

Strategic partnerships: collaborating with SVIN and Le bureau de l’égalité to empower women in STEM
Tailor-made programs: custom DEI solutions for Swiss & WW tech leaders, from unconscious bias training to comprehensive inclusivity programs.
Leadership coaching: utilizing psychometric tools like the WAVE assessment to foster inclusive leadership skills in one-on-one settings.

Success stories

Discover how our DEI programs have transformed workplaces, creating environments where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to excel.

Connect with Marie-Philippe


Program "Focus Equality"
This program is made for companies in the Tech industries and banking to develop an inclusive culture and so support the attraction,retaining and development of women.
The program is launched every year with 5 companies (next cohort in Fall 2024). 5 women ambassadors and 5 male ambassadors as well as your leadership team are embarked in 7 modules within a 9 months to a year journey ensuring a pragmatic and impacful change. One of the module will take place in your own company.
The program is subsidized by the Federal Office for Gender Equality. Participating companies pay a contribution to ASFI : it makes this program particularly attractive. All information about the program here.

Download the document

Connect with Marie-Philippe

Tailor-Made program
As you have specific needs within your DEI journey, I provide a customized program for you (it can be from a simple Unconscious Bias training to a full program for all of your employees). Ask for a specific quote.

What is my value proposition?
Specialized in Culture Change for more than 20 years, I ensure a smooth and pragnatic change
As Lord Kelvin mentionned,”If you can not measure it, you can not improve it”, so I provide a measurement system for a Before and After picture of your DEI.
I am surroundded by a excellent team of Experts

Connect with Marie-Philippe

Inclusive Leadership Coaching
You are a newly manager? or you would like to develop an inlcusive environment? I am here to coach you in a minimum of 5 sessions or more.

We go through 4 main steps together:
Understand Self with the Best-In-Class psychometric assessment WAVE (A Saville Assessment test)
Understand each of your team members. Together we put in place a leadership routine using the Best Practices of an inclusive leader
Live your commun vision with your team. We are engaging your team members to be autonomous and highly motivated
Build a perfoming team.The final step to go beyond
Coaching starting at 5000 CHF incl. Kick off, WAVE Debrief, and 5 sessions of 1,5Hrs coaching

Starting at 5000 CHF

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